Why do my pierced ears itch after I quarreled with my girlfriend
1. The emotion of the quarrel triggers physical reactions
When we quarrel with others, the body will produce a series of physiological reactions. These reactions are caused by the release of stress hormones and neurotransmitters in the brain. These substances can affect all aspects of our bodies, including our skin.
During an argument, our bodies will be in a state of high tension, blood circulation will accelerate, and heart rate will increase. This tension can cause the blood vessels around the ear piercing to dilate, causing itching.
2. Tension causes skin sensitivity
Arguments can cause our bodies to be in a state of tension, which can also affect our skin. When we feel nervous or anxious, our skin may become more sensitive. This sensitivity may cause an itchy feeling in the skin around the ear piercing.
Also, arguments can lead to insecurities about our bodies. When we are in conflict with others, we may feel threatened. This insecurity may also lead to increased sensitivity to our bodies, which can lead to itchy ear piercings.
3. Stress affects the immune system
Arguments and conflicts cause us stress, and long-term stress may have a negative impact on our immune system. When we are stressed, our immune system may become more fragile and susceptible to external stimuli.
The skin around the ear piercing is part of our body and is also protected by the immune system. When our immune system is affected by stress, the skin around the ear piercing may become more sensitive and prone to itching.
4. Psychological factors have an impact on the body
In addition to physiological factors, psychological factors may also have an impact on the body. When we get into arguments with others, our mood may become negative or depressed. This negative emotion can cause a range of reactions in the body.
Some research shows that negative emotions may cause the body to release some substances, such as histamine. These substances may cause itching on the skin. Therefore, itching in our ear piercings may be caused by our state of mind when we argue with our girlfriends.
5. Attentional shift leads to attention to the itching sensation
During the quarrel, our attention Power tends to focus on the conflict itself. However, when the argument is over, our attention may shift away from the conflict and onto other things.
When we stop focusing on the argument, we may start to notice our physical sensations, including an itchy sensation in our ear piercings. This shift in attention may make us more sensitive to the itching sensation of our ear piercings and further increase our attention to it.
6. Relief methods
When itching occurs in your ear piercings, there are several ways to relieve discomfort:
- Clean gently: use warm water and fragrance-free, non-irritating Gently clean the skin around the piercing with mild soap.
- Keep it Dry: Keep the skin around your piercing dry and avoid excessive moisture.
- Avoid irritation: Avoid using skin care products that contain alcohol or chemicals, and wearing earrings that are too large or heavy.
- Relax: Try to relax your mind and relieve stress and anxiety through breathing exercises, meditation, etc.
When we have an argument with our girlfriend, itching in the ear piercing may be caused by a combination of factors such as physical tension, skin sensitivity, stress affecting the immune system, psychological factors, and attentional shifts. Understanding these causes can help us better cope with and relieve discomfort. At the same time, maintaining good communication and conflict handling methods are also important ways to reduce the physical discomfort caused by quarrels.